Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Save some water!

I actually seen this tip on a show on PBS a while back. I hoped I never had to use it. Of course that's because I had a working dishwasher at the time. Well now that is broke down (hopefully not for long) and I am now using this tip.

When you wash dishes in the sink, save some water and use a large bowl instead of the whole sink. WHY? Well very often, even if we only have a few dishes, we fill the sink to the top and use way more water than we need. So if you fill a container ( I use a cake carrier top), you won't use as much water. The interesting this is, I originally did this because our counter is to small to hold the dirty dishes and the drainer, so I put the drainer in the other sink. If I use a container for the water, than I can put the washed dishes in the same sink as the water, to rinse them. Confusing, I know, but it works for us. Well my oldest son, marky comes out there and says, "cool, good way to save water". That's when I realized, WOW they do pay attention, and yes I was saving water...

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